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SophiaViva® has been implementing the results of research and experience of the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren since summer 2017.

In particular, we are concerned with the implementation of the concept of ImmunSymbiosis. Our remedies are all researched, created and evaluated with this goal in mind .

SophiaViva was founded in the summer of 2017. At that time it became obvious that research and experience of Ariane Zappe – not least thanks to the knowledge gained from the treatment of numerous chronically ill patients from Germany and abroad – resulted in such rapid progress and developments that only a company in direct and close cooperation could implement with such speed and accuracy.


First and foremost, SophiaViva enabled the implementation for the patients of the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren at that time. Due to the great interest of other therapists and patients, the product range of SophiaViva, as well as the knowledge of SophiaHealth was made available to all.

The advantages of the cooperation SophiaHealth Kaufbeuren – SophiaViva


Fast and individual response


Unique composition of the products


Current research immediately implementable


Experiences from the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren provide direct feedback

Overall concept

Formation of a complex, coherent overall concept


In seminars the complex knowledge is passed on with much passion and joy


Our own laboratory and sales department enable the greatest possible transparency


Trust in the correct implementation of research

Passing on

Therapists and patients can benefit from the experience and research


Implementation of the ImmunSymbiosis model also easily possible for other therapists

The philosophy behind our products

ImmunSymbiosis – In harmony with microbes

The ImmunSymbiosis model provides a new foundation for understanding the causes of chronic diseases and the resulting treatment approaches.


There is no pathogenic germ per se. Rather, the causes of chronic diseases are missing or damaged germs and thus missing or wrong inputs for the immune system.


The immune system consists of two parts – the human and the microbial. Germs – especially viruses and bacteria – regulate our organism in total symbiosis with us. The aim of the common and incredibly complex immune system is not only to maintain the health of the whole organism, but above all to develop further, i.e. to evolve.


If we look at the amount of genetic material, we know today that 99% of the genetic code in our body comes from germs.


Unfortunately, within approximately the last 100 years, we have severely damaged, altered, manipulated or eliminated the germs in the human body and on earth.


We need to re-establish the symbiosis that has developed over millions of years. Any treatment approach must always consider and regenerate both parts of the total system.


Basic knowledge about ImmunSymbiosis with treatment approaches especially for therapists was published by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD and Ariane Zappe in October 2017 with their second joint book “ImmunSymbiosis”.

Ariane Zappe has been building on the foundation of this model for years with the help of countless studies. In 2018, her book „My microbes are me” was published in German and English. With this, she wants to bring the ImmunSymbiosis closer to a broader audience, as well as in numerous lectures and seminars. Many of these are available online via SophiaMatrix.

The source of knowledge

SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren

The SophiaHealth® Institute in Kaufbeuren, Germany, is dedicated to research, development and application of the ImmunSymbiosis model.


Ariane Zappe founded the institute in 2016, and since then, mainly longstanding and severely chronically ill patients from Germany and abroad have found their way to Kaufbeuren. Findings from the courses of diseases and correlations with disturbances of the ImmunSymbiosis in the course of life are every time again the incentive to define the foundation of the ImmunSymbiosis more stable and clearer with the help of the research of scientific studies.


Resulting new frequency chords enable therapists to immediately translate the new findings into treatment strategies. 

More about SophiaHealth Kaufbeuren

Research and doctrine

Ariane Zappe

She started her working life in the 90’s as the first, female Airbus pilot at the German Lufthansa and she continues to try to move into ever new areas, but today for the best of her patients. After 7 years of flying, she began to take the same passion in a new direction – complementary medicine.


This resulted in, among other things, the development of the MatrixTechnique, a profound manual treatment of the lymphatic system, fascia and connective tissue, the development of the model of ImmuneSymbiosis, and the publication of now three books.


In recent years, the germs, viruses, bacteria, etc. came to the fore. It became clear to her that a fundamentally new foundation for looking at the processes in the human organism was needed in order to better understand, explain and find solutions to the epidemic of chronic, diffuse disease symptoms.


SophiaViva was finally founded in the summer of 2017 to implement research and experience from the treatment of complex chronic diseases in the fastest and most straightforward way to further expand the model of ImmunSymbiosis. 

A dedicated team

We are here for you

Tommy Lorenz

– COO | Chief Operations Officer-


Pedro Lorenz

– FO | First Officer –


Silvia Guggemos

– Service and Shipping –

+49 (0) 8341 960 4810

Sandra Resch

– Service and Shipping –

+49 (0) 8341 960 4810

Together we achieve our goals

Our cooperations


The contents of these pages are not healing statements. The diagnosis and therapy of diseases and other physical disorders always requires treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. The information on these pages is only informative, it should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. Any dosage, application or therapy is at the user’s own risk.


Why we strongly advise against self-treatment!


One of the special strengths of this medicine lies in the individual treatment of each patient. The remedies, their dosage, their combinability with other remedies and the duration of taking them are precisely determined by means of ART testing. In this way, you will receive the best possible care, and in case of irritation or adverse reactions, corrections and adjustments will be made. This kind of control a patient – even with some basic knowledge – cannot do for himself! The way via a trained therapist leads you faster and more reliably and without costly errors to your goal, namely to become healthy again.

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