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Partner program

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.”
Henry Ford

SophiaViva – Partner program

With great pleasure we would like to support you in the best possible way.

The order template for your patients | clients


To print out, fill in and give away.
With this template you and your patients | clients can place your order online at

Included are the most common remedies with space for further entries. We will continuously add new frequency chords to the template.

An overview of our frequency chords


A simple and quick overview of the entire range.

All frequency chords in alphabetical order with the respective original substances.

The current status of both documents can be found here - Downloads

We give you tailwind

Your benefits

  • The beginning of an exciting step

    • If you are interested in our partner program and our products, please send a short email to
    • The following seminars | webinars (recordings) entitle you to participate in the Partner Program:
      ImmunSymbiosis Seminar 1 or 2
      MatrixTechnique Training
    • For the attachment:
      Please send us your certificate of participation.
      We will be happy to activate your customer account for the partner program.

Seminars and recordings - SophiaMatrix
  • As a partner you can expect

    • 25%  on all our frequency chords, complex chords (ampoules, salt sprays) and frequency series
    • 25% on the frequency chords box with 24 items and the complex chord box with 12 items
      The chords can be arranged individually (ampoules, salt sprays).
      They are delivered in a metal box protected from electromagnetic radiation. Please write the desired denomination in the comment field of the corresponding order.
    • 15% on all mixtures of our alcohol extracts
    • 15% on all mixtures of our colloids

Your exclusive contact

Your contact person

Tommy Lorenz

Application information

As a sales company, we are not allowed to give information about therapeutic application possibilities and indications, dosages, treatment protocols and experiences from daily practice. However, this information is very important for you as a partner, so that you can use our products safely and responsibly.

Therefore, we would like to give you some brief information below:


Our remedies are based on the research and experience of Ariane Zappe. She is very happy to share her findings in seminars, webinars and publications:

Background knowledge - Specialized information area Ariane Zappe

What you should pay attention to

Legal background of the funds

Information on legal backgrounds will give you even more security in handling the agents in your practice. We consider it our important task to provide you as partners with this information.

For legal reasons, we cannot label all remedies as food.


  • Frequency chords salt sprays as food
    • Application as mouth spray possible
    • Application as nasal spray: off-label use
  • Frequency chord ampoule & frequency series for test purposes only (no application in or on humans, no injection)
  • Alcohol extracts as food or room air purifier
  • Colloids for room air mineralization


Any use of the funds other than as indicated is your responsibility as the treating therapist as an “off-label use”. That is why it is so important for us to pass on this information.

Unsere Produktvielfalt

Frequency chords

… as ampoule, salt spray or frequency series.


In contrast to the frequency chord, where all single frequencies from 6, 7, 8, …. to 30 are mixed again at the end of the production, the frequency series contains the frequencies from 6 to 29 separately in each of the 24 ampoules.


Frequency aids only work,
if all those involved use them consciously and responsibly.




Our SophiaViva partners can rely on the fact that the remedies are handmade and that a lot of time and money is always invested in further development.

They can also rely on the fact that SophiaViva’s economic interests are based on fairness and cooperation and not on greed for profit or dishonesty.


Only in this way can our resources develop their full effectiveness.

to the frequency chords

Complex chords

… to complete the orchestra


With the complex chord we put the different instrument groups together to form a complete orchestra. All instrument groups vibrate together and form a unity.

to the complex chords

Alcohol extracts

… as food or room air purification?


Some plants cannot legally be sold as food or food supplements in Germany, as they fall under the EU Novel Food Regulation, among other things.

The alcohol extracts of these plants, as well as mixtures containing these plant extracts, are only available as an on-demand product for room air purification. They are therefore labeled “Not Food – No Food”.

All other plants, as well as all mixtures in the basic version are labeled as food.


Labeling as food does not imply any recommendation for ingestion.

to the alcohol extracts


… only for room air mineralization


All colloids on aqueous and oily basis, also the mixtures HPU, HNO and the VivaMatrix oil, can currently not be labeled as food in Germany for legal reasons.

to the colloids

We are looking forward to cooperation and joint success!