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VivaEssenz Labels

“Die Natur macht nichts vergeblich” “Nature does nothing in vain” Aristoteles

VivaEssenz – Ätherische Öle – Essential Oils

Bitte lesen Sie alle Gefahren- und Sicherheitshinweises dieser von Ihnen erworbenen VivaEssenz Essentiellen Öls vor Gebrauch. Alle Hinweise sind in den 23 EU Sprachen verfügbar. Bitte clicken Sie auf den entsprechenden Link weiter unten.

Please read carefully danger and precautionary statements for the these VivaEssenz Essential Oil before use. All statements are provided in all 23 EU languages. Please click on the relevant link below.


Aleppo Kiefer






Teebaum Lemon 














Ätherische Öle | Essential Oils

Unsere ätherischen Öle | Out essential oils

zur verdünnten Anwendung als Aroma in Lebensmitteln

for diluted use as flavouring in food


100% Naturreine ätherische Öle zur verdünnten Anwendung als Aroma in Lebensmitteln (Reg. 1334/2008).

Ätherisches Öl mit exzellenter Fluidität. Erhältlich in 5ml in der Glas-Tropfflasche mit Tropfeinsatz und kindergesichertem Originalitätsverschluss.
Mit dabei ist ein Baumwollsäckchen gefüllt mit naturbelassener, nur mit Wasser gewaschener Schafwolle aus kontrolliert biologscher Tierhaltung (Heilwolle).
Täglich 1-2 Tropfen in das geöffnete Säckchen auf die Heilwolle geben, dann das Säckchen schliessen. Das Säckchen greifnah ablegen. Die natürliche Flüchtigkeit des Öls bewirkt den Rest. Bitte keine Duftlampen, etc. verwenden.



100% natural essential oils for diluted use as flavour in food (Reg. 1334/2008).

Essential oil with excellent fluidity. Available in 5ml in a glass dropper bottle with dropper insert and child-resistant tamper-evident closure.
Included is a cotton bag filled with natural sheep’s wool from controlled organic animal husbandry (healing wool), washed only with water.
Put 1-2 drop a day in the opened bag on the healing wool, then close the bag. Place the bag within easy reach. The natural volatility of the oil will do the rest. Please do not use scented lamps, etc.

  • Anis | Anise, Illicum verum, ext., China, Samen | reife Früchte, Dampfdestillation, Trans-Anethole, Estragol, Linalool, Limonen
  • Arizona Zypresse | Arizona Cypress, Cupressus arizonica, ext., Italien, Blätter | Zweige, Dampfdestillation, Linalool, Limonene
  • Artemisia | Artemisia, Artemisia vulgaris, ext., Frankreich, Blätter | Zweige, Dampfdestillation, Thujon, Camphor, nicht bei Epilepsie anwenden!
  • Basilikum | Basil, Ocimum basilicum, ext., Vietnam, Diverse Pflanzenteile, Dampfdestillation, Estragol, Linalool, Eugenol, Limonene, Geraniol
  • Cajeput | Cajeput, Melaleuca leucadendron cajaputi, ext., Vietnam, Blätter, Dampfdestillation, Terpineol, Linalool, Limonene, Eucalyptol, nicht bei Epilepsie anwenden!
  • Dill | Dill, Anethum graveolens, ext., Italien, Samen, Dampfdestillation, Carvon, Limonen, Linalool
  • Estragon | Tarragon, Artemisia dracunculus, ext., Deutschland, Blütenteile, Dampfdestillation, Estragol, Ocymen, Terpene
  • Eukalyptus | Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus, ext., Spanien, Diverse Pflanzenteile, Dampfdestillation, Limonene, Pinene, Eucalyptol, nicht bei Epilepsie anwenden!
  • Fenchel | Fennel, Foeniculum vulgaris, ext., Italien, Samen | Stängel, Dampfdestillation, Limonene, Estragol, Anethol, Fechone
  • Geranie | Geranium, Pelargonium graveolens, ext., Ägypten, Diverse Pflanzenteile, Dampfdestillation, Citronellol, Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool
  • Jasmin | Jasmine, Jasminum officinale, ext., Indien, Blüten, molekulare Destillation, Benzyl Acetat, Benzyl Benzoate, Eugenol, Isoeugenol, Linalool
  • Kampfer | Camphor, Cinnamomum camphora bark, ext., China, Holzschnitzel, Dampfdestillation, Limonene, Linalool, Terpinene, Eucalyptol, nicht bei Epilepsie anwenden!
  • Kardamom | Cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum, ext., Sri Lanka, Samen, Dampfdestillation, Terpinyl Acetat, Citral, Terpinen, Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool, Eucalyptol, nicht bei Epilepsie!
  • Karottensamen | Carrot seed, Daucus carota sativa, ext., Frankreich, Samen, Dampfdestillation, Carotol, Pinene, Limonene, Decanal, Geraniol, Linalool
  • Koriander | Coriander, Coriandrum sativum, ext., Russland, Samen, Dampfdestillation, Linalool, Geraniol, Terpinen, Limonene, Camphor, nicht bei Epilepsie anwenden!
  • Kreuzkümmel | Cumin, Cuminum cyminum, ext., Ägypten, Samen, Dampfdestillation, Cumin Aldehyd, Terpinene
  • Kümmel | Caraway seeds, Carum carvi, ext., Ungarn, Samen | reife Früchte, Dampfdestillation, Carvon, Limonen
  • Lavendel angust. | Lavender angust., Lavandula angustifolia, ext., Frankreich, Blühende Kräuter, Dampfdestillation, Linalyl Acetat, Linalool, Limonene, Geraniol
  • Lavendel hybrida | Lavender hybrida, Lavandula hybrida abrial, ext., Frankreich, Blühende Kräuter, Dampfdestillation, Linalyl Acetat, Linalool, Limonene, Geraniol
  • Limette, Lime | Citrus aurantifolia, ext., Italien, Fruchtschalen, Dampfdestillation, Limonene, Terpinen, Citral, Linalool
  • Lorbeer | Laurel, Laurus nobilis, ext., Italien, Blätter | Zweige | Blüten, Dampfdestillation, Eugenol, Linalool, Limonene
  • Gewürznelke | Cloves, Syzygium aromaticum, ext., Indonesien, Blätter, Dampfdestillation, Eugenol, Caryophyllene, Geraniol
  • Orange bitter | Orange bitter, Citrus aurantium amara, ext. , Italien, Fruchtschalen, Kaltpressverfahren, Limonene, Decanal, Citral, Linalool, Terpinen
  • Orange rot | Orange red, Citrus aurantium sinensis, ext., Italien, Fruchtschalen, Kaltpressverfahren, Limonene, Myrcene, Citral, Linalool, Terpinen
  • Oregano | Oregano, Origanum vulgaris, ext., Spanien, Blätter | blühende Tops, Dampfdestillation, Linalool, Limonene, Carvacrol, Caryophyllene, Terpinen
  • Pfefferminze | Peppermint, Mentha piperita, ext., Amerika, Blätter | Zweige, Dampfdestillation, Menthol, Menthone, Linalool, Limonene
  • Rosmarin | Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, ext., Italien, Blätter, Dampfdestillation, Linalool, Limonene, Camphor, Eucalyptol, nicht bei Epilepsie!
  • Thymian | Thyme, Timus vulgaris alba, ext., Spanien, Diverse Pflanzenteile, Dampfdestillation, Linalool, Limonene, Thymol, Cymene
  • Weihrauch | Francincense, Boswelia carteri, ext, Äthiopien, Harzabrisse, Dampfdestillation, Pinene, Cymene, Limonene
  • Zimt Blatt | Cinnamon leaf, Cinnamomum zeylanicum leaf, ext., Sri Lanka, Blätter, Dampfdestillation, Eugenol, Caryophyllene, Cinnamyl Alcohol, Cinnamal, Benzyl Benzoate, Limonene, Linalool
  • Zimt Rinde | Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark, ext., Sri Lanka, Holzhackschnitzel, Dampfdestillation, Eugenol, Cinnamyl Alcohol, Cinnamal, Benzyl Benzoate, Limonene, Linalool
  • Zistrose weiß | Cistus white, Cistus ladaniferus, ext., Spanien, Blätter | Zweige, Dampfdestillation, Pinene, Viridiflor, Eugenol, Limonene, Linalool
  • Zitronatzitrone | Lemon, Citrus medica vulgaris, ext., Italien, Frucht, Kaltpressverfahren, Limonene, Linalyl Acetat
  • Zitrone | Lemon, Citrus medica limonum, ext., Italien, Frucht, Kaltpressverfahren, Limonene, Beta-Pinen, Terpinen, Citral (Geranial, Neral)
  • Zitronengras wint. | Lemongrass wint., Cymbopogon winterianus, ext., Indonesien, Blätter | Zweige, Dampfdestillation, Citronellal, Citral (Geranial, Neral), Linalool, Limonene
  • Zitronengras flex. | Lemongrass flex., Cymbopogon flexuosus, ext., Guatemala, Blätter, Dampfdestillation, Citral (Geranial, Neral), Linalool, Limonene
Ätherische Öle | Essential Oils

Unsere ätherischen Öle | Out essential oils

zur Raumluftbeduftung

for room air scenting


100% Naturreine ätherische Öle zur Raumluftbeduftung.

Ätherisches Öl mit exzellenter Fluidität. Erhältlich in 5ml in der Glas-Tropfflasche mit Tropfeinsatz und kindergesichertem Originalitätsverschluss.
Mit dabei ist ein Baumwollsäckchen gefüllt mit naturbelassener, nur mit Wasser gewaschener Schafwolle aus kontrolliert biologscher Tierhaltung (Heilwolle).
Täglich 1-2 Tropfen in das geöffnete Säckchen auf die Heilwolle geben, dann das Säckchen schliessen. Das Säckchen greifnah ablegen. Die natürliche Flüchtigkeit des Öls bewirkt den Rest. Bitte keine Duftlampen, etc. verwenden.



100% naturally pure essential oils for room air scenting.

Essential oil with excellent fluidity. Available in 5ml in a glass dropper bottle with dropper insert and child-resistant tamper-evident closure.
Included is a cotton bag filled with natural sheep’s wool from controlled organic animal husbandry (healing wool), washed only with water.
Put 1-2 drop a day in the opened bag on the healing wool, then close the bag. Place the bag within easy reach. The natural volatility of the oil will do the rest. Please do not use scented lamps, etc.

  • Aleppo Kiefer, Aleppo Pine, Pinus halepensis, ext., Italien, INCI PINUS HALEPENSIS NEEDLE OIL (myrcene 15.2%-32.0% α-pinene 12.2%-24.5% ) , Zweige | Blätter, Dampfdestillation
  • Kamille, Chamomile, Ormenis multicaulis, ext., Marokko, INCI ORMENIS MULTICAULIS FLOWER OIL (10-40% limonene; 10-30% alpha-pinene) , Blüten, Dampfdestillation
  • Teebaum Lemon, Tea tree Lemon, Leptospermum petersonii, ext., Australien, INCI LEPTOSPERMUM PETERSONII OIL (20-45% citral; 10-20% citronellal) , Blätter, Dampfdestillation
  • Thuja, Thuja, Thuya occidentalis, ext., Kanada, INCI THUJA OCCIDENTALIS LEAF OIL (45-65% thujone 5-23% fenchone), Bätter, Dampfdestillation
  • Wacholder, Juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus, ext., Spanien, “INCI JUNIPERUS OXYCEDRUS WOOD OIL (5-40% alpha-cedrene; 5-20% delta-cadinene) “, Holz | Zweige, Dampfdestillation
  • Weisstanne, White fir, Fir, Abies alba, ext., Österreich, INCI ABIES ALBA NEEDLE OIL (15-30% limonene; 15-25% camphene) , Nadeln | Zweige, Dampfdestillation
  • Zeder, Cedar, Cedrus atlantica, ext., Marokko, INCI CEDRUS ATLANTICA WOOD OIL (43-60% beta-himachalene; 15-22% alpha-himachalene) , Holzschnitzel, Dampfdestillation
Herstellung | Production

Rita Roman

Zertifizierte Kräuteranbauerin aus Südtirol, hat mit und für Dr. Klinghardt zahlreiche innovative Produkte kreiert, die Menschen helfen, gesünder zu leben und Krankheiten wie die Borreliose besser zu überwinden.


Dertified herb grower from South Tyrol, has created numerous innovative products with and for Dr. Klinghardt that help people to live healthier lives and better overcome diseases such as Lyme disease.


Quelle | Source: www.revitalconcept.com


Wir sind ein traditionsbewusster Familienbetrieb im Herzen der italienischen Alpen, genau an der deutsch-italienischen Sprachgrenze im schönen Trentino – Südtirol und produzieren seit Jahren hochwertige Kräuterextrakte. Durch unsere eigene Landwirtschaft im Trentino und meeresnahe Anbauflächen in Venetien, auf Elba, in der Toscana, in Umbrien, Sardinien sowie Sizilien sind wir einer der wenigen Produzenten hochwertiger Kräuter aus ökologisch-biologischem Anbau.


We are a tradition-conscious family business in the heart of the Italian Alps, right on the German-Italian language border in the beautiful Trentino – South Tyrol and have been producing high-quality herbal extracts for years. Through our own agriculture in Trentino and cultivation areas near the sea in Veneto, Elba, Tuscany, Umbria, Sardinia and Sicily, we are one of the few producers of high-quality herbs from organic farming.


Quelle | Source: www.revitalconcept.com

Die Essenz der Natur | The Essence of Nature

Ätherische Öle in der medizinischen Literatur / Essential oils in the medical literature

The most direct route to the brain is via the olfactory nerve and dendrites in the nasal mucosa.


Special attention should be paid to the sense of smell. 1% of our genes are responsible for the smell. 350 different olfactory receptors are known.


Vanille reminds us of breast milk and immediately increases oxytocin release. Subjects rate faces on photos as 15% more friendly under the influence of unintentionally perceptible vanilla odor in the room.


Thus, the smell of the smell directly changes the chemical conditions in our brain.


In 2013, a study confirmed the effect of inhaling essential oils on the olfactory nerve to the brain:


Curr Drug Targets. 2013 Jul;14(8):872-9.

Aromatherapy and the central nerve system (CNS): therapeutic mechanism and its associated genes.

Lv XN, Liu ZJ, Zhang HJ, Tzeng CM.

Most notably, inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine) thereby further regulating mood. However, little research has been done on the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects, thus their mechanism of action remains ambiguous.

In the current study, the effectiveness of aromatherapy for alleviating psychiatric disorders was examined using data collected from previously published studies and our unpublished data.

Apossible signaling pathway from olfactory system to the central nerve systemand the associated key molecular elements of aromatherapy are also proposed.


Here a possible signal path via the olfactory system directly to the central nervous system is discussed. A change in psychiatric symptoms via the inhalation of essential oils is observed, although the mechanism of these symptoms is still largely unknown.


With the PANDAS or PANS syndrome (rapidly onset systemic neurological disease with physical and psychiatric symptoms as a result of immune reactions to streptococci or cases of PANS also on other germs) we have a possible explanation of these symptoms – and with the essential oils a way to positively influence it.


The effect of the outflow of essential lavender oil through the nose or mouth to various areas of the brain has already been very well by MRI documented:


Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013: 681304.

Published online 2013 Mar 14.

Lavender and the Nervous System

Peir Hossein Koulivand, 1 Maryam Khaleghi Ghadiri, 2 and Ali Gorji

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), significant activation in major olfactory brain structures, including the primary olfactory cortex, entorhinal cortex, hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, and insular cortex and its extension into the inferior lateral frontal region was reported in nineteen healthy participants after application of 10% lavender diluted in dipropylene glycol [64]. Cortical perfusion increment after sensorial stimulation with lavender was evaluated by single photon emission computed tomography in ten healthy adults. A significant activation was observed in gyrus rectus, orbitofrontal cortex, and superior temporal cortical areas. A slight perfusion increase also existed in middle temporal and parieto-occipital regions [65]. Lavender odor was delivered via the orthonasal (odor perceived through the nose) and retronasal (odor perceived through the mouth) routes and brain response was measured with fMRI in 20 subjects. In addition to the activation at the base of the central sulcus by lavender, retronasal stimulation with odor resulted in a significant peak in the ventral insula compare to orthonasal application. In contrast, orthonasal application yielded a peak in the right caudate nucleus that approached significance in comparison to retronasal way [66].


Essential oils have neuroprotective properties, increase cognitive ability and delay aging processes:


Front Aging Neurosci. 2017; 9: 168.

Published online 2017 May 30.

Neuroprotective and Anti-Aging Potentials of Essential Oils from Aromatic and Medicinal Plants

Muhammad Ayaz, Abdul Sadiq, Muhammad Junaid, Farhat Ullah, Fazal Subhan, and Jawad Ahmed

In conclusion, EOs were effective on several pathological targets and have improved cognitive performance in animal models and human subjects. Thus, EOs can be developed as multi-potent agents against neurological disorders with better efficacy, safety and cost effectiveness.


One of the most comprehensive publications on the antimicrobial action of essential oils was found here:


Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016; 2016: 3012462.

Published online 2016 Dec 20. doi: 10.1155/2016/3012462

PMCID: PMC5206475

Antimicrobial Properties of Plant Essential Oils against Human Pathogens and Their Mode of Action: An Updated Review

Mallappa Kumara Swamy, 1 , 2 , * Mohd Sayeed Akhtar, 3 , * and Uma Rani Sinniah 1 , *


We believe that the term “antimicrobial” effect when using complete aspects of herbs is not comparable to the “antimicrobial” effect of chemical drugs.


For herbs, v.a. Essence of herbs in the form of essential oils, it is not a pure killing of germs, but an intelligent rearrangement of the composition of microbiome – to increase the communication of the microbes among themselves, but also the microbes with our immune system. Thus, symbiosis becomes possible again.


Unfortunately, many studies reduce the effectiveness of essential oils on individual active components, which indeed have killing effects when isolated in the laboratory on single microbes are released.


Nevertheless, we are very grateful for these studies and would like to quote them, as they already give us a good idea of ​​the specific connection of oils to microbes.


Many studies coincide with the experiences of our practice and the results of ART testing.


In the following study the effect of essential oils on the biofilm has been confirmed:


Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012 Jun; 78(11): 4057–4061.

Selected Antimicrobial Essential Oils Eradicate Pseudomonas spp. and Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms

Nicole L. Kavanaugh and Katharina Ribbeck

Afterdetermining that essential oils are effective against biofilms, we tested individual components of the essential oils for antimicrobial efficacy. We assessed the molecules cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and linalool (from cassia, clove, and lavender oils, respectively)

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